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22  And now in dedication of children, many of the people, the Methodists sprinkle them. And—and I think they have their first communion in the Catholic church, or Lutheran, along about twelve years old, and kind of a—a baptismal service when they're born. I—I think the babies are sprinkled. And—and I think that split the Nazarene from the Methodist, many years ago, in infant baptism. I think that's right, Brother Brown. I—I—I believe that that was what split the Methodist church and the Nazarene, 'cause the Nazarene didn't accept infant baptism. But to us, here at the tabernacle, if we are going to stay with what the Bible said, there is no place in the Bible where they ever did sprinkle anybody, let alone a baby, not even an adult. But they… The Bible says, the only place of our Bible for the children, "They brought infants to Jesus, and He… that He might put His hands upon them and bless them." And He said, "Suffer little children to come to Me, and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven."

23 Now, therefore, we know that we are poor hands, the pastor and I, or any other pastor, to take the hands of the Lord Jesus. And if He was here this morning, these parent would bring that baby to Christ. But being that we are here in representation of Him, that we represent Him, they bring the children to us. And we dedicate them to the Lord, by laying our hands upon them, in commemorations of His great Word and His act. So that's how we dedicate the little ones.

    63-0623M - Standing In The Gap
    Rev. William Marrion Branham